The Kolb Model

The Model of David Kolb of experiental learning is discussed here as an example to apply a learning style theory to planning of and performing of teaching (Kolb, D. A. et al. 2000; Kolb, A. Y. and Kolb, D. A. 2006; Kolb, D. A. 2007). Kolb's model of learning cycle describes the process of acquiring and capturing experiences with modifying of behaviour as a result of the learning from the experience. Детальное описание отделка квартир Дубай здесь.

In Kolb’s theory learning takes place in a cyclic way. This cycle consists of four stages (Figure 1):

  1. Experiencing or immersing oneself in accomplishing a given assignment.
  2. Reflection includes summarizing experiences gained during the task solving, defining strengths and weaknesses of the working flow.
  3. Conceptualization involves analyzing and interpretation of events by putting them in logical order and relationships.
  4. Planning involves new understanding of the task and designing future steps in solving similar tasks based on experiences gained during task solving.

The concept of learning style describes individual differences in learning based on the learner’s preference for employing different phases of the learning cycle. Because of our hereditary equipment, our particular life experiences, and the demands of our present environment, we develop a preferred way of choosing among the four learning modes (Kolb, A. Y. and Kolb, D. A. 2006).

The learning process might start from any stage of the learning cycle. Kolb emphasises two very important aspects: 1st the use of concrete experience to test ideas, and 2nd the use of feedback to change practices and theories.

As these two aspects are crucial, it is essential to involve both processes in the planning of classes. The timing of the different stages is particularly important, because feedback should be given at various phases of task execution. These assessments ensure identification of weaknesses and strengths and provide opportunity to modify the work processes. This model could be used for planning exams at the crucial points during a class, which might ensure the opportunity to realize how students studied during the term and to modify their performances.

Knowing importance of experience, the effective teacher builds his or her lectures on exploration of what students already know and believe. Beginning with these or related concrete experiences allows the learner to re-examine and modify their previous sense-making in the light of new ideas.